WHO has defined ‘health as a state of complete physical, mental, social and spiritual well being of a person not merely an absence of disease or infirmity’ and ‘WHO has indexed Quality of life under basic four domains which are; physical health, psychological health, social relationships and environment (WHO: 1993). With changed status and role in contemporary society a woman has to play certain character at a time leading to severe distress demanding sound physical and mental health. Different challenges and adjustments at various stage of life personal (family, kids, in-laws adjustments, kinship) and professional front (viz. achievement of desired successful career, meeting day to day professional requirements, coping with the competitive environment, handling technology advancement, and seeking job-satisfaction) lead to further repercussions in form of various associated hazards. It’s a daunting task for women to maintain balance in between work and family, meet out family expectations and combat career related interruptions. Women’s are supposed to be multi task performer, which requires extra energy to perform different tasks, also demands patience, adjustments and skill to manage overall situation. Working women has to suffer from daily variant issues at micro to macro level creating challenges of adjustments in life and multi tasking results in mental and other health problems. Increased cases of health complications in working women have been reported which is a matter of concern. This study is a content analysis in which various dimensions of mental health and factors affecting mental health of women and its impacts have been studied.